Support our Vision of a Resident Teacher

The Way of Compassion Dharma Center is delighted to be growing and ready for the next phase of our vision, developing the resources to have a full-time resident teacher. We are enthusiastic about the seeds of Dharma that are ripening at the Way of Compassion and are asking for your support to bring a dedicated full-time teacher to the Center.

With your help, we have been able to establish our own physical center, host many wonderful teachers and retreats.  We feel we now have a community of practitioners dedicated enough to create the conditions to support a teacher and nurture the growth of Buddhadharma in our valley and beyond.

In order to do this, we need to raise enough money to rent a small studio or one bedroom apartment, provide a salary, and support the needs of a teacher. We estimate that $50,000 would be a prudent amount to be able extend an invitation to the right teacher.

Right now, we are extremely fortunate to be able to receive the precious teachings of Venerable Samten while she is in our area. We are currently seeking housing for her. If you can help us financially or with a place, please consider making a donation or contacting Aaron –

You can make a one-time or recurring tax-deductible donation using the donation button below. Thank you for all of your kindness and generosity.
