Upcoming Special Events:

July 28th, 2024: Half-Day Retreat – “Valuing Virtue” from the Heroic Heart. Click here for details.

October 31 – November 3, 2024: Fall Retreat at Blazing Mountain in Crestone. Click here for details.

Regular Ongoing Events

Tuesday Morning Mind Training Study/Practice Group – Seven-Point Mind Training using the text, Buddhism with an Attitude by Alan Wallace. Online, Click here for details.

Wednesday Meditation and Dharma Talk – Wednesdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Mountain Time. Meditation and Dharma Teaching. We host this program in person and online. For more information click here – Wednesday Dharma Talks

Sunday Morning Chenrezig Sadhana Practice – Sundays from 9:00 – 10:00 am Mountain Time. This is weekly support for those wishing to establish a Buddhist practice of Chenrezig (Buddha of Compassion). Open to all. Click here for details – Chenrezig Practice.

We are using our online community and app to post updates, share teachings, and stay connected. It is free and easy to use. Here is the link – Way of Compassion Dharma Center Community.

Complete Calendar of Events