Special Events with the Monks of Gaden Shartse Monastery

May 14-19, 2024

We are incredibly grateful and excited to announce the special visit of the monks of the famed Gaden Shartse Monastery. Our center will once again be able to host the precious healings, blessings, teachings, and the creation of a sand mandala offered by the monks.

All Events are at the Third Street Center, 520 S 3rd ST, Carbondale, unless otherwise noted. Information – call 970-704-5512 or email admin@wocompassion.org

A Brief introduction to the Gaden Shartse Monastery Tour

A Short Explanation of the Sand Mandala

Tara Sand Mandala
May 13-19

The monks will be creating a sacred sand mandala during their time here to bless the Roaring Fork Valley. The opening ceremony will be on Monday, May 13th at 6:30 pm and the dissolution ceremony will be on Sunday, May 19th at 4:00 pm.

The creation of the mandala will be open for public viewing beginning Tuesday, May 14th and will continue through to the dissolution ceremony in the Round Room at the Third Street Center in Carbondale, 520, 3rd ST, from 9 am to 6 pm. This is free. There will be Tibetan goods available for sale to support the monastery.

Meals for the Monks

The monks live off of offerings and are grateful to receive meal offerings. If you would like to offer a lunch or dinner to be dropped off for them, call or text Stephanie at (970) 456-7792

Consider Supporting the Monks

All proceeds for the creation of the sand mandala and other events will go directly to Gaden Shartse Monastery to support the continuation of their ancient traditions and provide food, education, and training for all of the monks in India. We are specifically fundraising for the creation of the sand mandala, seeking to raise $5000 to bring this blessing to the Roaring Fork Valley. If you would like to support the monastery and help fund the mandala, you can use the donation button below to make a secure, tax-deductible donation.

Schedule of Events

Monday, May 13th at 6:30 pm: Opening Ceremony for the Green Tara Sand Mandala.

The Opening Ceremony is a powerful ritual in which the monks will consecrate the area and create a purified environment to receive the mandala. The ritual will include chanting, prayers, musical instruments, and visualization, as well as blessings for all.

This sand mandala is a special type of mandala that embodies a meditative and imaginative creation of the Green Tara’s, palace, and universe. Little by little, almost grain by grain, an essentialized image of the mandala is brought into direct contact with the senses and mindstreams of all who encounter it. As the creation process proceeds, one’s awareness of the presence of Green Tara is continuously refined and intensified until, upon completion of the image, the presence of Green Tara is manifest.

Green Tara Sand Mandala created by the monks

Personal Healings, Astrology, House, Land, and Business Blessings

Individual Vajravidaran healings or astrology readings with one of the lamas are available by appointment. Sessions are 30 minutes and the suggested offering is $100. To schedule an appointment, call Roxanna at 970.274.4490.

Home, land, and business purification and blessing rituals are also available by appointment. This usually takes one hour and the offering is $400. To schedule an appointment call or text Laura, 970.379.6779.

Tuesday, May 14th at 6:30 pm: Tea Ceremony

The tea offering is a special blessing for the environment and showers all individuals in the presence of the monks with nectar. In the ceremony, participants don’t drink the tea but rather the monks will chant and bring prayers of healing as well as the removal of obstacles to be granted by enlightened Dharma Guardians. During the prayer, they will invoke all the divine beings and make tea offerings by pouring the divine nectar of each and every enlightened being into a vessel. As the nectar is being poured, the monks will chant prayers in the deep resonate Tibetan chanting that they are famous for while showering all participants with the blessings of radiant nectar. Suggested donation: $15. All proceeds go to support the monastery in India.

Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30 pm: Dharma Teaching on the Six Perfections

The Six Perfections of generosity, ethical discipline, patience, enthusiastic effort, concentration, and wisdom are practiced by Bodhisattvas who have the supreme intention of attaining enlightenment for the sake of others. These six are perfections because they give rise to complete enlightenment. Practice of them also insures the attainment of an excellent body and mind in the future and even more favorable conditions for effective practice than those we enjoy at present.

Thursday, May 16th at 6:30 pm: Vajravidaran Healing Ritual

Vajravidaran is a Buddha associated with purification and health. Physical and mental health is impacted by our karmic imprints. This ritual offers an opportunity to improve your health by purifying negative karma. The Vajravidaran ritual of purification and has three stages: the removal of negativities, the cleansing of subtle negative imprints, and protection from their return. Suggested donation: $25. All proceeds go to support the monastery in India.

Friday, May 17th at 6 pm: Tibetan Momo Dinner and Cultural Night with the Monks

Join us for a wonderful vegetarian meal with the monks. They will prepare traditional Tibetan momos with love and intention along with sides and hot chai. The evening will include a presentation on Tibetan monastic life with lots of time to visit and ask questions.

Space is limited and we will need to know how much food to prepare so reservations are required. Please register as early as you can. $45 for adults, $35 for children 12 and under, children 2 and under are free. All donations go to the monks.

Register for the dinner here – Momo Dinner Registration

Saturday, May 18th at 2:00 pm: Butter Sculpture, Calligraphy, and Sand Painting – Activities for Kids and Adults

The monks will work with children and adults to create traditional sculptures made from butter and barley flour. This art has been done in Tibet for over 800 years. This workshop will begin with a demonstration by the monks and will be followed by the opportunity for each participant to make his/her own butter sculpture. There will also be Tibetan calligraphy and sand painting. Suggested donation: $15.

Tibetan butter sculpture

Saturday, May 18th at 6:30 pm: Green Tara Empowerment

Green Tara is the feminine embodiment of enlightenment. The name “Tara” literally translated means “One Who Liberates,” because of her commitment to save sentient beings from suffering. As the embodiment of enlightened wisdom and activity, she liberates beings from confusion and other afflictive emotions while protecting them from all forms of misfortune and of danger. Tara and Avalokiteshvara are the two most cherished meditational deities in Tibetan Buddhism. Their presence is so deeply steeped in Tibetan culture that even the children know and recite the mantras and prayers related to these deities.

The empowerment of Green Tara is granted through a beautiful guided meditation that has been passed down from generation to generation since the time of Buddha himself. We make a special connection with Tara’s omniscient mind, which awakens the expansive potential within our own mind for fearlessness and peace. During the empowerment, each participant’s three doors (body, speech, and mind) are purified of negativities and blessed individually.

To learn more – Green Tara Practice Resources

Sunday, May 19th at 4 pm: Sand Mandala Dissolution Ceremony

The culminating event of the monks’ visit is the powerful and moving consecration and dissolution of the mandala. The monks will consecrate the mandala and ritually dissolve it and bless the valley by ritually pouring the sand into the Crystal River. All in attendance will receive some of the blessed sand from the mandala.

A short video capturing highlights from a tour that our spiritual director, john Bruna (Chophel) lead