Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Characteristics of Karma 2

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Characteristics of Karma 2

In this episode, John gives clear guidance on how to engage with the Buddhist teachings on Karma. He specifically talks about 2 characteristics of Karma giving guidance on how we need to plant the seeds of wholesome actions to experience their results and how we can mitigate previous unwholesome actions by applying the 4 opponent…

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Characteristics of Karma

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Characteristics of Karma

In this session, John Bruna unpacks the commentary by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chodron on the characteristics of Karma. John takes time to clarify how karma is definite and expandable. He also talks about how we will not experience the effect of an action that we have not done and how…

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: The Law of Karma

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: The Law of Karma

In this episode, spiritual director John Bruna continues his commentary on the teachings of the law of karma which are presented in the book “Foundations of Buddhist Practice” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chodron. John gives a comprehensive explanation of what role our actions play in the creation of karma and…

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Preparatory Practices for a Meditation Session

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Preparatory Practices for a Meditation Session

In this Session, spiritual director John Bruna continues on the theme of meditation by teaching about how to structure a meditation session by first engaging in the 6 preparatory practices. He also answers questions about how we can cultivate good habits and avoid bad habits in our meditation practice.

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Varieties of Meditation

Foundations of Buddhist Practice: Varieties of Meditation

In this session, spiritual director John Bruna discusses three different types of meditation as discussed in the book “Foundations of Buddhist Practice” by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chodron. John describes how we can practice objective wisdom meditations, mind transforming subjective meditations, and touches lightly on visualization meditations.