Medicine Buddha Mantra
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Medicine Buddha Sadhana with Guided Meditation by Venerable Thubten Chodron
Medicine Buddha Sadhana with Guided Meditation by Venerable Thubten Chodron
Twenty Tibetan Buddhist nuns have just made history, becoming the first Tibetan women to successfully pass all the exams for the Geshema degree, equivalent to a Doctorate in Buddhist philosophy. Exam results were announced by the Department of Religion and Culture of the Central Tibetan Administration. All 20 candidates for the degree passed. A Geshema…
Bridging Buddhism and Science Sat, Dec 17 at 6:00pm – Tue, Dec 20 at 12:00am MST Science & Technology The Emory-Tibet Symposium: Bridging Buddhism and Science for Mutual Enrichment His Holiness the Dalai Lama will join scientists and scholars for a 3 day discussion from Drepung Monastery in Mundgod, Karnataka, India on December 18-20, 2016….
Study Buddhism, formerly the Berzin Archives, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in exploring Tibetan Buddhism. Here is the link – Study Buddhism.
Four Establishments of Mindfulness from Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chodron (The four establishments of mindfulness focus on the body, feelings, mind, and phenomena (dhamma, dharma). To “establish mindfulness” means to place our mindfulness on an object comprehended by wisdom. ) Mindfulness of Feelings Through mindfulness of…
Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche taught in San Francisco on August 18, 2011. In this video, she asks “what impedes happiness?” especially as it relates to Buddhist practitioners.
Shantideva cites three benefits of pain. First, it is valuable because through sorrow, pride is driven out. No matter how arrogant and condescending we’ve been, great suffering can humble us. The pain of a serious illness or loss of a loved one can be transformative, softening us and making us less self-centered. The second benefit…